By: Lily Smallwood, CarlyRae Mouland, Carter Bromley, Jacob Cull, and Erica Kennedy
The prayer group hosted the annual St. Valentine’s Day celebration in the school gym on Wednesday afternoon.
Cross country skiing was postponed this week, but will hopefully resume next week.
The grade nine to Level III students participated in a virtual poetry writing workshop on Wednesday afternoon. Robin Durnford, a poet originally from Newfoundland, facilitated the session via skype. This was organized through the Poetry in Voice Program.
Ms. Roxanne Klein, originally from South Africa, is doing a job shadowing placement on Wednesday afternoons with our kindergarten class with Ms. Cornick.
We had a special guest presenter, Mr. Andrew King, an Assistant Educator and Outreach Coordinator for the Climate Change Education Centre spoke to our classes about climate change. Students also presented him with batteries we have collected so far this year for the battery recycling program.
Junior and senior high exams started on Friday with all students writing their English exams in the gymnasium.
On Friday we hosted a farewell party for our Brazilian exchange students who are soon leaving to travel home. Classes visited the students to present them with cards and wish them safe travels home.
Congratulations to the grade six girls’ basketball teams who participated in the Tiny Titans Tournament at Corner Brook Regional High over the weekend. Player of the game awards went to Molly George, Sommer Lawrence, Leah Lainey, Brooke Watton, and Candace Johannesen.
We would like to extend a thank you and best wishes to Isabella Johnson who was visiting our school from Germany. Ms. Johnson was assisting in the office during her stay.
We are selling Winter Carnival Buttons again this year. They are available for purchase through the office.
Stars of the Week
Congratulations to Sarah Ketcha who received a medal in Tae Kwon Do.
Class News
The junior kindergarten classes are making igloos with Lego and experimenting with snow and ice.
Ms. Cornick’s Kindergarten class is always learning new letters and words. They had a great discussion about Martin Luther King Junior and the word responsibility.
Mrs. George’s grade one English class is learning about how things change in science class. They changed the appearance of jello and popcorn and enjoyed sampling them! The star of the week is Nate. They would like to wish a happy 7th birthday to Rudy!
Mme. Ryan’s grade two and three French Immersion class was super excited to learn about climate change. It prompted a great discussion afterwards. They are happy that their aquaponics project is an environmental initiative and a way to learn that helps the planet. They are excited that their seeds have sprouted. One plant is about 6 inches long!
Ms. Bursey’s grade two English class is learning about phonics and spelling this week. They are investigating how matter changes through heating and cooling. In social studies they are learning about how technology changes and making predictions about the future.
Mme. King’s grade four, five and six French Immersion class would like to congratulate Candace, Charlotte, and Israela on a great showing at the grade six girls’ basketball tournament over the weekend. In math the grade four and five students are doing great with their data management unit. The students are busy preparing their song and video presentation for the student exchange group who will visit them from St. Pierre in February. The class would like to wish Brooklyn lots of fun at the grade four girls’ basketball tournament this weekend.
Ms. Williams’ grade three class made collages in art to represent their New Year’s resolutions. In science class the students are beginning to see sprouts from some of the seeds in their Little Green Thumbs Gardens. In social studies, they are learning facts on Newfoundland including the history of our province, our flag, and our provincial bird, the Atlantic Puffin.
Mrs. Hink’s grade four class has finished another unit in math. They have completed two science experiments on light. The class made Valentines for soldiers to say Thank you.
Mr. Ryley’s grade five class is excited to start phase two of their STEM project with completely guided builds. They are looking forward to the new social studies unit on social structures.
Mrs. McCarthy’s grade six class is learning about poetry this week and making inferences. They practiced their inferences by playing the game clue and examining the contents of their teacher’s purse to learn more about her.
Mr. Drew Nadon’s grade seven and eight class has been working hard on midterm exam reviews. In social studies the students are preparing for their WWI simulation.
Mr. Hancock’s grade nine to level three class is reviewing material for exams. Canadian Studies are completing chapter three assignment about Canadian demographics.
Coming Up
Junior and Senior High exams continue next week.
French Immersion students, Katy Hancock (left) and Allie Lovell (right) hold seedlings they have sprouted as part of their classroom aquaponics program.
Junior kindergarten students enjoy some time in the school gym this week. (L-R) Quinn Phillips, Anna Claire Sheppard, Oliver Douglas, Blake McMackin, Mavis Dakins, and Gabrielle Jacobs.